"SU:NETRA” Symbolises excellence in the field of eye care. “SU” in Sanskrit means "Excellent" and "netra" means `eyes. We take immense pride in introducing ourselves as a pioneers in providing international standard eye care in Ghaziabad. With a spirit of "Service with care" we at Sunetra provide treatment in all disciplines of eye care ranging from eye transplant , cataracts, Femto Lasik all Corneal disease, Glaucoma, Retinal disease, Pediatric ophthalmology, Oculoplasty to all kinds of Special contact lenses and visual aids.
The Centre provides facilities equivalent to the best in the world along with a dedicated professional and efficient staff who attend to your every little need. A team of highly qualified and experienced super specialized doctors ensure quality care in every field. The doctors are trained from the best institute in the Country.
With a vision of working for the community and Country, we at `Sunetra` do not charge defence forces personnel for Consultation. The Centre also provides charitable services at subsidized rate to meet the requirement of the under privileged.
"To Lead the Overall Development of Eye Care Services by Providing the Highest Quality Cost Effective Ophthalmic Care"
"National Eminence in
Eye Care Services"

Dr. Nitin Dua
Dr. Nitin Dua
Director's Message
After completing my super specialisation from L V Prasad eye Institute , Hyderabad , I was saddened to see the state of eye care facilities provided in Ghaziabad. Patients had to travel to Delhi for Quality eye care.
In 2007, `SUNETRA` was established with sole purpose of providing state of the art eye care under one roof at prices affordable by all. The infrastructure has been created the special emphasis on the patient safety. A team of highly Qualified and experienced doctors along with trained staff provide international level services along with personalized care.
The Centre has an excellent track record of 15 years . It has done thousands of surgeries with a long list of satisfied patients. I take this opportunity to invite you to await the facilities in a ambiance that will make you feel at home. You can depend on us to provide highest level of professional care, whenever you need us. We also welcome your suggestions for further improvement as there is always a next step to Climb. With this in mind, The Sunetra Team works round the clock to see that smile on your face.