Lasik & Refractive
With different refractive options available, there really is no reason to delay having laser vision correction. The doctors at Sunetra Ghaziabad have been performing LASIK for over a decade. Nearly 32 million LASIK procedures have been performed worldwide making it the most common elective vision procedure worldwide. In fact, all branches of the US military and NASA recently approved LASIK for their servicemen thanks to studies using LASIK technology.
All-laser LASIK is an advancement in laser vision technology that allows the surgeon to personalize the procedure for an individual’s eyes. Wavefront technology provides new diagnostic information previously unattainable.
During the procedure a delicate instrument, a microkeratome or a laser, is used to create a very thin flap of corneal tissue. Sunetra creates the Flap utilizing a laser. Once this tissue flap is created, the surgeon positions the laser beam over the eye, directing light pulses to achieve the desired correction. The flap is carefully placed back in its original position. The whole procedure takes just minutes.

My fears about lasik. Let's answer them ...
Your friends have told you how great their vision is now that they have had LASIK surgery. They told you how easy it was and how much they enjoy their life and their activities now, all due to their improved vision, but you still are nervous and sure that you will be the one who will have an issue. Anxiety is a common emotion concerning LASIK so don’t feel like you are alone.
Let’s explore the kinds of things you want to know and overcome those anxieties with facts.
What if I move during the procedure? Will the laser hurt me?
No, the laser has an advanced tracking device which follows your small eye movements during the surgery. Your only job is to focus as best you can on a blinking light. Should you need to sneeze, cough, or even scratch your nose, the laser will stop when you move too much. Once you are settled the laser will begin exactly where it stopped and continue the procedure. Be assured, you cannot do anything wrong during your surgery.
I can’t keep my eyes open without blinking. What happens if I blink during the surgery?
This can’t happen. Your surgeon will place a simple eye lid holder so that you cannot blink.
Is this surgery going to hurt?
Anesthetic drops are administered prior to surgery so patients do not feel any discomfort. Some patients say they feel slight pressure, but it lasts only a few seconds. After the surgery patients can feel a scratchiness similar to being on a windy beach all day. Patients can also take a mild painkiller after the procedure, however, usually after sleeping for a couple hours any discomfort diminishes.
I need my eyesight for work? Won’t this take a long time to recover my vision?
The beauty of LASIK is how quickly most patients recover. Patients are instructed to go home and sleep for several hours. When you awake most patients will notice that your vision will be improved. The next day you return to the office for a post-operative appointment. You will be given a list of post-op instructions for the first week, but for the most part patients return to normal activities and work within just a day or two.
LASIK has been performed since the mid-90s to reduce or eliminate nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism and the technology has continued to improve. Since that time, studies have been done to determine if there are any long term effects since the FDA approved the surgery. There is less than a 1% chance that you could have a vision reducing complication; however, as with any surgeries there are risks.